By Ethan Huff
Calls for Bill Gates to be arrested swell after billionaire eugenicist calls India a “testing ground” for his chemical “experiments”
The world is waking up to the ugly truth about billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates of Microsoft fame. In a recent interview – watch below – Gates casually admitted that he is experimenting on poor people in developing India, a country he described as “kind of a laboratory to try things.” “Then, when you prove them […]
By Ava Grace
Survey reveals Amazon India workers aren’t given enough time for BATHROOM BREAKS
A survey of Amazon India warehouse employees has revealed that almost 90 percent of them aren’t allowed sufficient time to use the restroom, attesting to poor working conditions at the e-commerce giant. The online survey was conducted by the UNI Global Union, the Amazon India Workers Association and London-based workers’ cooperative Jarrow Insights between Feb. […]
By Ethan Huff
WHO scientist could reportedly face DEATH PENALTY for attacking ivermectin and withholding effective treatment from patients
In India, an India Bar Association’s (IBA) lawsuit against World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist of India Soumya Swaminathan continues to move forward, charging her with murder and other crimes that could result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty. If you missed it, Swaminathan was served with a lawsuit back in May for […]
By JD Heyes
Are the world’s two most populous, nuclear-armed countries about to wage war against each other? Time to get prepped for the fallout
There is a tiny, little-known corner of the planet that has the potential to engulf two nuclear-armed countries with 2.7 billion of the world’s 7.5 billion people in all-out war, and virtually no one outside of them knows it. But as a prepper, you need to know so you can start making plans to survive […]
By Ethan Huff
India tosses out Gates Foundation due to conflicts of interest with Big Pharma
In the U.S., many look to him as a benevolent humanitarian simply trying to save the world from communicable disease. But in India, billionaire software guru Bill Gates has basically been told to get the hell out the country now that he and his wife Melinda’s infamous foundation has been exposed as nothing more than […]
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